An Unexpected Journey

If I had to title my adult life, it would definitely be An Unexpected Journey [I mean, it’s a true statement, and I mean, Tolkien..].img_8495_facetune_19-05-2019-10-31-38.jpeg

You see, over the past couple of weeks I have been reflecting on the last decade of my life. I’ve been reflecting because I just celebrated my 10 year anniversary of graduating COLLEGE. Whoa. It feels like it was a completely different life, and back then, I imagined a completely different life for myself. Continue reading

Why Do Women Hide Their Age?

So I recently had another birthday (32!) and I have no problem with it! What? You’re over thirty and single and no kids and you’re okay with that?! Yes. Yes I am. tenorWhich brings me to ask the question, why do women hide their age? Men never hide their age. When someone asks them how old they are they straight up tell you. Recently, I was on Instagram, and several people posted one of those things that are numbered 1-30 and you give them a number and they answer the question that coincides with the number.. Anyways, I asked all of them for their age.. Now, maybe that’s politically incorrect, but frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn. And I’m just a very curious person. I’m that person who looks up every actor and actress in a TV show or movie to see when they were born. Maybe that makes me weird? Anyways, half of the people who I asked how old they were (all women) declined to answer. They just had one of those “old enough to remember such and such” or “sorry, no” or “teehee, I’ll let you wonder”.. I don’t get that. I love telling people how old I am. I guess maybe because I have such a young face, I like to see that reaction when people find out that I’m like 10 years older than them. Just own it!


Am I the only one that wants to break that stigma? If you agree, tell me how old you are in the comments!


Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving

I’ve wanted to say that ever since 13 Going On 30 came out.635741977860104042940415133_thirty

Well, I am officially 30. I no longer fall into the “under 30 group” or the “in their twenties” group. I am bona fide grown up now. You know how people make those “30 things to do before you’re 30” lists? I didn’t have one. But I think I like the idea of a “30 things to do while you’re 30” list. I’ll get on that.

Okay, enough rambling about turning 30.. I guess I’m writing so I can process life. I recently got home from the most amazing trip of my life. I went to New Zealand, by myself, for 20 days (minus 2 of those days in Australia and a day that got lost over the Pacific). I don’t really know how to begin to describe what that trip did for me. Now, I’m back in America and everything seems a bit duller. Don’t get me wrong, I am very thankful for my life and everything, but I think I left a part of myself back in New Zealand.


Lake Pukaki, New Zealand

I took a Lord of the Rings tour. I know that makes me a huge nerd, but I do not regret it one bit. The scenery was incredible, the people were amazing, and I walked away with 32 new friends who were a part of my “Fellowship”. If you’re thinking of going to New Zealand, I cannot recommend Red Carpet Tours enough.



Life has a funny way of not turning out how you planned. I used to think that 30 was when you should be “settled down” with a husband and a couple of kids. While that actually is the case in most of my old friends’ lives, mine couldn’t be farther from the norm, and I love it. I get to see the world. I get to spend my money on myself and just enjoy my life. I have a cat, and she is enough for me.

So, if you’re like me, turning 30 and surrounded by couples and babies, don’t fret. Life is good. Find joy in the small things (and the big ones).

Here’s to 30!